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You don’t necessarily need to jump straight to doing Veneers or Crowns, for a chipped, broken or discoloured tooth. Dental bonding can be used to get a great result in low stress areas. It also keeps as much of your natural tooth as possible and looks great – in the right hands! The technique can be used to repair a minor chip through to complex reshaping cases. For minor chips, it can take as little as 15-30 minutes. Dr Baderski has spent hundreds of hours learning and honing his skills to be able to provide you with this treatment. If keeping your teeth is important to you, then this is something to look at before jumping into dental crowns or veneers. Of course it can’t be used for everything, but it’s worth a look.
Why look at Dental Bonding?
The process demands a meticulous eye for detail and aesthetics (which is why not everyone does it!), as the bonded tooth needs to blend seamlessly with your other teeth. This is where you don’t want anyone to notice that you’ve had dental work done!
The material used is a composite resin which allows Dr. Baderski the ability to sculpt and mould the tooth so that your individual tooth size, shape & colour can be created which is then, fully functional and looks just like your natural teeth.
Dental bonding can be an elegant & functional solution for teeth that are under low stress. It can also generally be completed in a shorter amount of time and at a greatly reduced cost to some alternative methods.
Sound interesting? Call us today to find out more
To book an appointment and discuss our dental bonding treatment options, call us now on 02 9605 1968.